Monday, May 7, 2012

Recognize the Importance of Rituals

 Much of everyday life is made up of rituals-established, predictable, patterned behaviors that structure the day.  There are morning rituals (brushing your teeth, showering, reading newspaper), midday rituals (everything from the so-called "power lunch" to a simple sandwich in your office), and evening rituals (a cocktail or two, dinner at 6:00 pm, a few minutes of intimate time with your spouse, and -if you are lucky---sex).


Rituals are a form of structure that actually make life flow more easily.  They are mindless- you do them without thinking. Perhaps most important of all, they orient you as to where you are and what you should be doing.  Rituals are like an invisible watch- if you are taking a shower, it must be morning! Without rituals, every day is a new day full of unpredictability, uncertainty, and the possibility of unhappiness.


Here are some examples of what rituals you can incorporate into your life:

  • Exercise first thing in the morning, join a gym with group classes, and make sure the instructors are certified and know their discipline.  Being in a group environment motivates you to keep going, and you have a partner who is accountable.

  • Sitting for a few minutes of quiet contemplation, in meditation or prayer. 

  • Getting a professional massage once a month.  Relieve stress from your body and relax your mind.

  • Browsing through your favorite bookstore every Saturday morning (you gotta hurry before they close them all down)

  • Checking in via email or text with loved ones once a day.

  • Taking an afternoon nap.

  • Enjoying some quality, one-on-one time with your pet.

  • Spending five minutes every day reflecting on all the things you have to be grateful for.  Count your blessings.

Don't become a slave to rituals; otherwise they become tedious.  If something more interesting comes along at the same time you normally take your afternoon nap, go for it!  You can always nap tomorrow.

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