Monday, June 25, 2012

Be Happy!

         This weekend I had an encounter with my dear friend, who sounded a little down and I decided to write my blog for those of us who at times are sad, and think the world is against us. 

        Just remember that negative emotions can be toxic.  Prolonged sadness can lead to a state of depression, which can itself be life-threatening.  Depression is linked to the development of heart disease and is a risk factor for heart attacks. Too much fear can cause people to become house-bound, have unrelenting head aches, and develop ulcer and high blood pressure.

        The good news is that positive emotions, including happiness, can transform one’s life. You can’t be too happy.  So if you find yourself in a happy moment, be thankful for it, and hope it continues beyond 25 minutes.  Something as simple as listening to music, hearing birds chirping, watching butterflies float in the air, gazing into the night sky.

        Remember, life is too short not enjoying it… happy and transfer  that happiness to others around you, they probably need it as much as you do.

       This “rough” time will come to pass and one day we will look at it and think of it as an amazing experience that made us stronger and better fighters in life.  So my dear friend hold on tight, for the wind will lift you up your sail once again and take you safely to the shore where amazing things awaits you!!!!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Embrace Optimisim

Why does optimism matter?  Because if your future looks rosy, being happy in the present is easier.  Beyond the simple reality that optimists are happier people (and happiness is what you are striving for), optimism has other benefits as well:

* Optimists enjoy a greater degree of  success than pessimists do, because they believe they can achieve it, therefore they make smart decisions, and work harder to get to it.

* Optimists tend to set more specific goals than pessimists do.  The more specific and concrete your goals are, the more likely you will be to achieve success.  For example, if you need to loose weight, set attainable goals, 2 lbs a week is more achievable and getting there is easier, than a pessimists who needs to loose 50lbs and believes there is no way I can do this in one month.  This is mathematically and physically impossible. 

* Optimists are more self-confident than pessimists are.  They believe in themselves more than fate.  They do not look for the "magic pill".

* Optimists persist and persevere.  They are not quitters!  They schedule their workout routine, they don't leave it to " I will get to it later attitude".

* Optimists welcome second chances after they fail more than pessimists do, because they expect to achieve a better result the second time around. If they miss one or two training sessions, they make sure they make it up ASAP.  If they cheated on dessert, they substitute more healthy foods for the next few outings.

* Optimists cope with stress better than pessimists do.  Pessimists worry, optimists act.  A person with coronary heart disease who is pessimists "hopes for better health".  The optimists heart patient leaves a little to chance and starts an exercise regimen. 

So at the end, being optimist will get you closer to your happiness in life.  And if your health/fitness level stops you from being  happy, join a fitness program that suits you and make sure you consult your physician in advance.

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Art of Capoeira








Chegado and I have been training the art of Capoeira for 14 years, each of us stumbled upon the art in different ways but stayed for the same reason, it is truly a captivating art.  It is an art form that challenges you physically and intellectually.  Each person that trains Capoeira is drawn to it for their own specific and personal reason, it develops  your rhythm, strength, agility, reflex, as well as your musical, acrobatic and dance skills.  But for most, it is the history, the tradition, the cultural and the profound sense of community that are sticking points. 

Capoeira is the art of survival, with a history that dates back more than 500 years to the slave trade in Brazil.  It was and is an art of empowerment, a celebration of the African roots in Brazil; from the music to the movement it tells the story of a people oppressed, enslaved and later liberated through their strength and will.  
We made the decision to pursue the art form professionally because we believe Capoeira is a vehicle for positive change and cultural enrichment.  The art form promotes diversity, understanding, creativity, health, and discipline for youth and adults alike. Northeast Los Angeles is a vibrant and eclectic community that appreciates and searches out cultural diversity in the arts and we are blessed to have found our home here.