Friday, December 21, 2012


XTC is pleased to introduce two of its trainers EVANGELOS and GEORGE GIOVANIS,who have taken this place to the next level by their dedication to it is time to show their other talents to the it,  share it, support it, and contribute to it.

EVANGELOS and GEORGE GIOVANIS were never accepted to film schools.  With ambition that defied that kind of inspiration - they decided to start shooting independent films.
Their first effort, Taking the Turn, focusing on inner-city kids who mess up their lives, was put together on a shoe string budget of $0.  The film starred family members, friends and many errors.  The Giovanis brothers performed all duties on and off the set.  It was a formula they would follow time and again trying to improve their skills.
Their second feature film, Land of Nod was shot on a shoe string budget.  This film takes an uncompromising look at the AIDS epidemic and was awarded the Digital Alexander Award, along with a $20,000 cash prize - for best feature at the prestigious Thessaloniki International Film Festival in 2006.  Critics hailed the directing effort and likened their talent to that of a young Martin Scorsese’s and John Cassavetes’.
In 2009, the Giovanis brothers shot their third feature film Run It with a modest budget.  The action-drama premiered at Philafilm and picked up the Gold Award for best feature.  It continued its festival run and accolades with an honorable mention at the Canada International Film Festival, a Gold Kahuna Award at the Honolulu International film Festival and a Bronze Palm Award at the Mexico International Film Festival.
We are now taking the same go get 'em approach to distribution and hope Indiegogo is the method to the madness. In the last three years, we were offered distribution deals by two companies, but refused them (distributors have a tendency to feel they deserve to keep all the money).
So? We decided that we would self distribute our award winning, completed feature film RUN IT - but we need your help and support!




We always knew we could make a film, but now what? How do we get it out there?
FOUR WALLING: In the film industry, four wall distribution (also known as four-walling) is a process through which a studio or distributor (us) rents movie theaters for a period of time and receives all of the box office revenue.
It costs an average of $4K-$5K minimum per theater to do what we want to do; that's not including advertising costs (essential to success).
Our plan: Raise some money on Indiegogo (please help), four wall a theater in Los Angeles, and New York and play our film for the audience!
With that momentum, we hope to raise awareness, an audience base and secure proper distribution for the official DVD release.
Up till now, we have self financed all our filmmaking endeavors. How? My brother's night job... just kidding. We always open a restaurant (4 so far), work it (13 hours a day), sell it (we serve the best pizza, so the town folk get mad with this part); then poor (intentional) all the money in the films.
Would we do it all over again? That's the GOAL. You don't quit on your dreams, and if you wake up the next morning to remember them while you're sipping milk and eating eggs; it was all worthwhile.
Please support our art... like we have been for 11 years.
Don't forget to check out our pics in the gallery!
If this economy is just killing you, and you can't join us, anything you can do to help us reach our goal is great. If you can't donate - please spread the word.
Visit our facebook page and share it and this campaign with everyone you know.
We would like to thank you in advance for being part of this project.
Angelo and George Giovanis

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A True Champion

          A while back, I asked one of my trainers to write a blog on "how to train a winner?".  After a few months of sweat, soreness, kicks, punches, and screaming we have ourselves a WINNER.  It is really not about "winning or losing", it is about training the mind and transforming one's life.   We are excited to let our readers know that we got a fighter/winner/champion in our team.

        Alexander "The Great", 17 years old, has trained at XTC for about five months with George and Angelo, is ready for his first fight.  He is a dedicated young man with a bright future. We, his XTC family, wish him all the best in his new way of LIFE. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

Be Happy!

         This weekend I had an encounter with my dear friend, who sounded a little down and I decided to write my blog for those of us who at times are sad, and think the world is against us. 

        Just remember that negative emotions can be toxic.  Prolonged sadness can lead to a state of depression, which can itself be life-threatening.  Depression is linked to the development of heart disease and is a risk factor for heart attacks. Too much fear can cause people to become house-bound, have unrelenting head aches, and develop ulcer and high blood pressure.

        The good news is that positive emotions, including happiness, can transform one’s life. You can’t be too happy.  So if you find yourself in a happy moment, be thankful for it, and hope it continues beyond 25 minutes.  Something as simple as listening to music, hearing birds chirping, watching butterflies float in the air, gazing into the night sky.

        Remember, life is too short not enjoying it… happy and transfer  that happiness to others around you, they probably need it as much as you do.

       This “rough” time will come to pass and one day we will look at it and think of it as an amazing experience that made us stronger and better fighters in life.  So my dear friend hold on tight, for the wind will lift you up your sail once again and take you safely to the shore where amazing things awaits you!!!!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Embrace Optimisim

Why does optimism matter?  Because if your future looks rosy, being happy in the present is easier.  Beyond the simple reality that optimists are happier people (and happiness is what you are striving for), optimism has other benefits as well:

* Optimists enjoy a greater degree of  success than pessimists do, because they believe they can achieve it, therefore they make smart decisions, and work harder to get to it.

* Optimists tend to set more specific goals than pessimists do.  The more specific and concrete your goals are, the more likely you will be to achieve success.  For example, if you need to loose weight, set attainable goals, 2 lbs a week is more achievable and getting there is easier, than a pessimists who needs to loose 50lbs and believes there is no way I can do this in one month.  This is mathematically and physically impossible. 

* Optimists are more self-confident than pessimists are.  They believe in themselves more than fate.  They do not look for the "magic pill".

* Optimists persist and persevere.  They are not quitters!  They schedule their workout routine, they don't leave it to " I will get to it later attitude".

* Optimists welcome second chances after they fail more than pessimists do, because they expect to achieve a better result the second time around. If they miss one or two training sessions, they make sure they make it up ASAP.  If they cheated on dessert, they substitute more healthy foods for the next few outings.

* Optimists cope with stress better than pessimists do.  Pessimists worry, optimists act.  A person with coronary heart disease who is pessimists "hopes for better health".  The optimists heart patient leaves a little to chance and starts an exercise regimen. 

So at the end, being optimist will get you closer to your happiness in life.  And if your health/fitness level stops you from being  happy, join a fitness program that suits you and make sure you consult your physician in advance.

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Art of Capoeira








Chegado and I have been training the art of Capoeira for 14 years, each of us stumbled upon the art in different ways but stayed for the same reason, it is truly a captivating art.  It is an art form that challenges you physically and intellectually.  Each person that trains Capoeira is drawn to it for their own specific and personal reason, it develops  your rhythm, strength, agility, reflex, as well as your musical, acrobatic and dance skills.  But for most, it is the history, the tradition, the cultural and the profound sense of community that are sticking points. 

Capoeira is the art of survival, with a history that dates back more than 500 years to the slave trade in Brazil.  It was and is an art of empowerment, a celebration of the African roots in Brazil; from the music to the movement it tells the story of a people oppressed, enslaved and later liberated through their strength and will.  
We made the decision to pursue the art form professionally because we believe Capoeira is a vehicle for positive change and cultural enrichment.  The art form promotes diversity, understanding, creativity, health, and discipline for youth and adults alike. Northeast Los Angeles is a vibrant and eclectic community that appreciates and searches out cultural diversity in the arts and we are blessed to have found our home here.



Monday, May 28, 2012

How To Train A Winner?

Muhamand Ali Vs. Sunny Liston 1965


How To Train A Winner? By Mr. Giovanis 


       Somebody asked me once; “how do you train a winner?”  The immediate response would have to be, “you have to be able to identify a winner.”  Many cosmic things have to go right in order for a trainer and a “winner” to run into each other at the right time and place in a rare and harmonious manner.  But beyond that, and so we don’t take an elitist approach to this very democratic matter, sometimes as a trainer –you have to make somebody a winner.   You have to understand that the pursuit of happiness starts with the pursuit of fitness.  


      The most important aspect of training a winner is to train their mind.  But in a world where people are constantly nourished with emotional cliches and their bodies are used to the convenience/comfort of lazy living; it is very difficult.  You might have already tuned out and popped a pill of some sort.Being in shape is “another world.” Initially this world seems unreachable…even with a space ship that takes off in our imaginations and needs no fuel.Broadly speaking, I would say the biggest ingredient of this mission is sweat.  Honesty hides in sweat. 


      Start off small, and reduce everything to this quality. In this introduction, I like to learn about the student.  The less they tell me and the more I infer from their behaviors; the easier things become for me.  I look for strengths and weakness and I attack both with tough love.  This is tricky stuff.  Looking at a boxer punch with their arms and hands, it is hard to explain that what we are actually seeing is power coming from their legs.  One way or another, I must make my students believe in me - so they can ultimately believe in themselves…they are looking to me to learn something - not just spend money or act like they are taking a class (those ones drop out quickly).  Making someone believe in themselves, believe that they are truly able to learn what I am truly able to teach, is sometimes difficult because some of the things they are looking to “learn” are already in their DNA; and so a student may not forgive the subtlety of progress - intentionally.  Growth and bigger ordeals are soon to follow and excuses come in handy. 


      Being unfit is essentially, and for the most part, a choice - it is a person ignoring the health inside them. The only comfort we have in that scenario is that obesity and unhealthy living are so widespread and so omnipresent in our society - that somehow it makes it OK?  Somehow we are all like greasy chips in a bag instead of people in flesh?  I’m not sure.  All I know is that students can lie to me all day long, but I resent it when they lie to themselves.  I punish them for this.  Eventually, when they work through this “adolescent” mind frame - I make them look into this invisible mirror constantly, to the point of some “gym rat” narcissism; I try to get them to love their image and ultimately the self, this new ego emerging as if a stranger, for there is not much of a greater feeling.


      Learning a martial art is a painful process to eradicate this ignorance.  Sometimes putting ignorance in a lock till it taps out, or punching it in the face till it bleeds - is necessary.  Fitness is an unforgiving honesty…one that requires a loyalty, dedication and fortitude that is a basis for this complicated relationship. Try and get your boyfriend or girlfriend to understand that!  Not quite a “voyeur,” but I love to watch the progress in this struggle.  After a while, a student will often get to the point where they “choose” whether or not to continue on the path that leads to the next level of physical enlightenment.  The irony is - and it took me years to figure out - that many quit, right as they reach an easier threshold in this journey.  Why?  Maybe the answer lies somewhere in the details of why they came to the gym to begin with, a type of confusion that might easily be like a tag on a key chain being scanned for absolutely no reason at all.  So in essence, a big part of my job is to try and knock the quit out of them.  It is in this phase where “winners” and “losers” are discovered or promised like diamonds.


       As they stick around and put roots into the mat where they jump, kick, punch, grunt, scream, push, lift, resist, fight, befriend, adapt, sweat and breath till they run out of breath; I try to show them that being fit is a two tier system very dependent on a balance and extremely more fragile than it seems – a true mind and body convergence or experience; a type of ecosystem with living and nonliving rewards. 


       But so you don’t think it’s all work and no play, I will tell you that I feel it is important to LAUGH.   I try to make my students feel the pain of a good workout but also the joy of laughter in that process.  I give them reasons to be happy and I make them understand that things of this nature take time (this is where you sign up for a 6 month membership). 


      Still don’t believe me?  Did you know that laughing burns 1.3 calories/minute while working the muscles of the abdomen, diaphragm, back and shoulders?  That might not seem like much, till you consider that laughing also burns 100 calories/minute of emotional stress.  Always remember that emotional stress causes weight gain (especially around the abdomen).  Working out and becoming addicted to this process of health leads to a laughter that ultimately relieves pain, brings greater happiness, and even increases immunity.


      If you enjoyed any, or this entire little essay on “training a winner” please join us at XTC gym.  Whether you like it or not, in reading this, we’ve already begun to exercise your eyeballs.  As a trainer, I’ve come to learn I need to instill all these things to students and people willing to learn - or I feel out of shape.

Well, did you think it was “wax on, wax off” and have them chase a live chicken?

Monday, May 21, 2012

Increase Your Uplifts

How do you increase your uplift?  Simple: You do little things that bring you pleasure.  You don't just wait passively to be uplifted-you make it happen! For example, you can lift your spirits by:

  • Treating yourself to a delicious dessert in the middle of the afternoon.

  • Join a dance class like Zumba and go every week.

  • Spending lunch hour sunning yourself on a park bench.

  • Taking 20 minutes to meditate.

  • Taking time to feed the birds who visit your yard before going off to work.

  • Watching children play.

  • Daydreaming about positive experiences you've ha in the past.

  • Giving yourself permission to have that extra cup of coffee before you join in the "rat race."

  • Enjoying a glass of wine at an outdoor cafe.

  • Listening to some of your favorite songs while driving from point A to point B.

  • Reading a magazine article about something that interests you. 


These are the things that you can initiate.  They don't depend on what other people are willing or able to do that might please you.  They are things that you have control over.  Enjoy life, make the best out of each moment, it is the only one we have.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Identify Who or What Makes You Smile

Think about what a smile does for you.  It attracts people.  It says to the world "I'm happy, confident, competent, satisfied person."  It makes it easier to build a support network-people who will rally to your side when adversity strikes. It helps you transcend difficult times.


I don't want to say that most people are clueless when it comes to knowing who and what makes them happy, but it is true that people's understanding of the relationship between life circumstances and positive emotion is not as precise as it should be.


One simple, easy way to identify your particular sources of happiness is to rummage through old photographs and cull out the ones where you are smiling.  Some of those will no doubt be pictures if family gatherings where everyone is posing for the camera-looking happy for the camera's sake whether you feel that way or not.  But other pictures may capture moments of genuine happiness, as evidenced by the smile on your face.


Examine those photographs carefully and ask yourself what the common threads are that connect them.  For example, maybe whenever you are in the company of certain people or whenever you are engaged in some particular activity, you are smiling.  Start your day with a big smile, it makes your day go by easier and make sure you make someone smile today, it goes a long way.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Recognize the Importance of Rituals

 Much of everyday life is made up of rituals-established, predictable, patterned behaviors that structure the day.  There are morning rituals (brushing your teeth, showering, reading newspaper), midday rituals (everything from the so-called "power lunch" to a simple sandwich in your office), and evening rituals (a cocktail or two, dinner at 6:00 pm, a few minutes of intimate time with your spouse, and -if you are lucky---sex).


Rituals are a form of structure that actually make life flow more easily.  They are mindless- you do them without thinking. Perhaps most important of all, they orient you as to where you are and what you should be doing.  Rituals are like an invisible watch- if you are taking a shower, it must be morning! Without rituals, every day is a new day full of unpredictability, uncertainty, and the possibility of unhappiness.


Here are some examples of what rituals you can incorporate into your life:

  • Exercise first thing in the morning, join a gym with group classes, and make sure the instructors are certified and know their discipline.  Being in a group environment motivates you to keep going, and you have a partner who is accountable.

  • Sitting for a few minutes of quiet contemplation, in meditation or prayer. 

  • Getting a professional massage once a month.  Relieve stress from your body and relax your mind.

  • Browsing through your favorite bookstore every Saturday morning (you gotta hurry before they close them all down)

  • Checking in via email or text with loved ones once a day.

  • Taking an afternoon nap.

  • Enjoying some quality, one-on-one time with your pet.

  • Spending five minutes every day reflecting on all the things you have to be grateful for.  Count your blessings.

Don't become a slave to rituals; otherwise they become tedious.  If something more interesting comes along at the same time you normally take your afternoon nap, go for it!  You can always nap tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

In the Face of Challenges, Rivise Your Life Plan

Major life challenges and trials disrupt your life and force you to redirect your energies, interests, and commitments.  But how do you do that? It's not easy to revise your life and move into a positive, more satisfying future.  But these steps can get you moving in the right direction:

  • Create a positive mindset by sitting quietly with your eyes closed while opening your mind to the possibility of hope, optimism, and creative behavioral change.  Take ten exaggerated breaths, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth while silently repeating the word relax each time you exhale.

  • Identify a short list of valued life goals-for example, being closet to your family, becoming a more spiritual person, reconnecting with old friends, and getting in shape. Goals give you a sense of direction in terms of the changes you want to make.  Basically, you are deciding what you want your life to stand for from this point on.

  •  Surround yourself with people who have positive energy, who can push you and direct you toward your goals.

  • Decide what the incentives are for you to reach these goals.  What is the end game?  Will you have greater peace of mind?  Will you be happier? Will you live longer?  Be specific.

  • Ask yourself how committed you are to achieving each goal.  The more committed you are, the more successful you will be.

  • Ask yourself how confident you are about making these changes.  Commitment and confidence are not the same.  You can be committed, but not all that confident- or, the other way around.

  • Consider what specific things you would need to realize each goal.  Where would you start?  How much support do you need?  If you have several goals, which one do you begin with?  Make it easy on yourself-start with the smallest, easiest thing and work your way up to the big changes.

  • Identify any obstacles to meet your objectives.  Do you have physical limitations that might interfere?  Are other people's attitudes holding you back?

  • Begin-Just Do It.  It does not matter what you do; the important thing is that you just do something. Change takes effort, so you have to persist, even when going gets tough.  There is no easy way to accomplish change.  Change also takes time, so be patient.  As the saying goes, "Rome wasn't built in a day."  You Cannot reconstruct your life in a day either.  Focus on the destination, but enjoy the journey.

  • Reward yourself for whatever changes you make no matter how small.  If changes is rewarding, keep at it-if it isn't, quit.  It's just that simple.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Put Your Mind to Work for You

What is it that you want in life?  

A debt-free life, new friends, a loving partner, a knock-out to die for healthy body, plenty of money, a new car, or the dream job- whatever the person desires will manifest. When someone decides to accelerate the process and works out a plan to allow for that manifestation, myriad opportunities begin to present themselves.


A person who wants to get to the next level, whatever the goal might be, needs only to change his or her mindset and be aware that the opportunities for manifestation of his or her desire will become more commonplace.  It is as if the universe is working with you, putting wind in the sail of your dream ship to take you anywhere you want to go and give you the experiences, relationships, money, wealth, and things you most desire.


Fernando Reis

Fernando Reis, who teaches Brazilian Jiu Jitu here at Xtreme Training Center, has changed his mind set, moving forward full force to manifest his desires and dreams, has this to say, "The personal development program 'Your Wish Is Your Command' dramatically improved the quality of my life. In only a few months after I started listening to the CDs I tripled my income, I  have better relationship with everybody around me, I re-connected with my family, and found myself excited about what is coming to my life in the future. I feel truly empowered."


             What is stopping you from reaching the next level of your life?

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Great Art of MMA!


 Damon Dyer has been wrestling for 23 years. During  that time, he has competed in freestyle, high school(where he was 2nd in the state), folkstyle, and at college level. After leaving Michigan State University, he began assistant coaching at the high school in his hometown. In 2007 MMA caught his interest. That meant Jiu-Jitsu, Boxing, and Kickboxing became part of a daily routine. During that same year, he went back to his roots and became a folkstyle wrestling world champion.

 Damon loves both teaching and competing, and is very happy being part of the XTC staff where he can share his knowledge with others.  He looks forward seeing his students get fit and be ready to go to the next level through personal protection and self defense.

XTC is very grateful to have Damon as part of the Multiple Martial Arts program.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Why Fitness Is So Important When You Have Cancer

Why Fitness Is So Important When You Have Cancer
By: David Haas

Struggling against cancer can be an extremely draining experience- mentally, physically, and emotionally. The diagnosis itself can come like a punch in the gut, and the treatment can leave you feeling fatigued, anxious, or depressed. The good news is that there are things you can do to help. Getting in shape is one. The cancer and the treatments for it are only one factor in how you are feeling. Science is telling us that our fitness level has a greater impact on our energy levels, mood, and overall health than was previously known. Let's take a look at just a few of the benefits that come from adding regular exercise into your treatment regimen when you are battling even a serious cancer like mesothelioma.

Mood Boost

Exercise boosts energy levels. One of the ways it does so is by reducing levels of a stress chemical in your body called cortisol. Cortisol is usually referred to as the "fight or flight" substance. It is there to put your body into danger mode in the case you are confronted with a highly stressful situation like a fight. Anxiety raises cortisol levels. But it isn't good to constantly feel anxious and places an additional burden on your already stressed body. When you exercise, cortisol levels are reduced and the anxiety you were experiencing is replaced by feelings of calm and contentment.

Energy Levels

Another reason to start exercising is that you will increase your energy levels. A common complaint heard among cancer patients is lack of energy. The treatments help with the cancer, but healthy cells are also affected. Fatigue can be alleviated through regular exercise. Of course, there will be a short period of tiredness immediately following your exercise. But over time, it pays off in the form of increased energy levels throughout the day. Your investment in exercise will pay dividends and allow you to get more done, in spite of your illness.

Increased energy is usually seen soon after beginning an exercise plan. And if you should miss a few days, you will definitely notice it in terms of reduced energy. Make a commitment to exercise and you won't regret it.

Better Sleep

One often overlooked benefit of exercise is improved sleep. Your body wants to active. You will sleep better and longer when you exercise regularly. Studies have shown that people who regularly exercise experience better sleep and less daytime fatigue. Your body desperately needs that sleep to heal itself. You will also be less irritable and have more energy when you sleep well.

Do make sure, however, that you get your exercise in several hours before your bedtime so that you don't have trouble falling asleep afterwards.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Through People's Eyes

To see you through my eyes, I must define myself!

I am a sailboat in the middle of a long exhausting journey.... shortly after a big storm, I find myself stranded.... in the middle of a dark still ocean….with a tough able crew together...alone...
There is no wind, no movement, no hope of reaching home….
So from nowhere comes a big beautiful perfect wave.  Bringing with it.... a temporary breeze, a smell, a light's reflection, a flicker of strength,  and with it a needed motion to the vessel.
And although it will pass and continue on its course.... it lifted this boat as high as this waves strengths allow, and reminds me what it’s like to move with the wind that will one day come and take me to wherever my home is:)  

I am this boat and you this wave....thank you for hitting my side and holding me to rise.  Even for a short time. Even for an easy gesture for a wave as beautiful as you;)